Von Organisation bis Durchführung
Unser professionelles und engagiertes Team von Standesbeamtinnen legt großen Wert auf eine herzliche und vertrauensvolle Atmosphäre. Sie nehmen sich die Zeit Ihnen zuzuhören, Ihre Fragen zu beantworten und Ihnen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite zu stehen. Kontaktieren Sie uns! Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie kennenzulernen und Ihren Hochzeitstag unvergesslich zu machen.
Für Sie zuständig
Doris Käferbeck
T +43 7442 511 - 236F +43 7442 511 - 189
Rathaus, EG, Zimmer 001
Herta Plank
T +43 7442 511 - 216F +43 7442 511 - 189
Rathaus, EG, Zimmer 001
Stephanie Rottensteiner
T +43 7442 511-211F +43 7442 511-189
Rathaus, EG, Zimmer 001
Ö - Lebenslage
Work and Retirement
The following pages in "Work and Retirement" are already available in English:
Educational leave and educational part-time employment
Employment websites and vacancies
Foreign qualifications – contact points
Job application tips
Job searches
- Financial support for job seekers
- General information on job searches
- Registering as an unemployed job seeker with the Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS)
- Starting a new job
Older employees
- Application for a widow's pension
- Consulting your pension statement
- General information on the flexible retirement scheme
- General information on the heavy labour pension
- Individuals who started their career on or after 1 January 2005
- Individuals who were born before 1 January 1955
- Individuals who were born on or after 1 January 1955
- Pension settlement for the long-term insured
- Rights to pensions in more than one country
- Taxation of pensions
- The application principle
- Types of pension
- Old-age pension entitlement
Professional liability and other professional liability insurance
- Considerations in the run-up
- Establishing a sole proprietorship
- Establishing a company
- Subsidies
- Trade in Austria
Sexual harassment in the workplace
Skilled worker scholarship
Types of employment
- General information on holiday work experience placements
- Holiday work placements and family allowance
- Holiday work placements and taxation
- Holiday work practice and social insurance
Letzte Aktualisierung: 17. April 2023
Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Bundesministerium für Finanzen