Für Sie zuständig

Bettina Buder
T +437442 511 - 222F +437442 511 - 99
Führerscheinstelle, EG
Referat Polizei & Verkehr
Referat Polizei & Verkehr
Fachbereich HoheitsverwaltungÖsterreich.gv.at - Lebenslage
Leisure and Road Traffic
The following pages in "Leisure and Road Traffic" are already available in English:
Outdoor recreation
- Animal burial
- Dog tax
- General information on keeping dogs in a species-appropriate manner
- Prohibition against possession of certain animal species
- Registering dogs: the pet database and mandatory micro-chipping
- Travelling with pets in the EU and EEA – the pet passport
Road Traffic
Travel and holidays
- Buying a vehicle in an EU country other than Austria
- Buying a vehicle in Austria
- Deregistering a vehicle
- Driving licences in the EU
- General information on own import of vehicles
- International driving licence
- Number plates
- Transfer plates
- Transferring a vehicle to an EU country other than Austria
- Transferring vehicles to Austria
- Vehicle inspections ('Pickerl' inspection stickers)
- Vehicle registration
- Vehicle registration in Austria
- Vehicle regulations in Austria
- Vehicle type-approval (Austria)
Online services
Letzte Aktualisierung: 17. April 2023
Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Bundesministerium für Finanzen