Für Sie zuständig

Fachbereich Bürgerservice
Lisa-Maria Hackl
T +43 7442 511 - 226F +43 7442 511 - 99
Rathaus, Erdgeschoß
Fachbereich Bürgerservice
Fachbereich BürgerserviceÖ - Lebenslage
Living in Austria
The following pages in "Living in Austria" are already available in English:
Austria in the EU
Austrians abroad
- Austrian representation authorities
- De-registering from Austria
- Foreign representation authorities in Austria
- Intergovernmental social welfare
- Living and working abroad
- Money transfers
- Retention of an Austrian apartment: Arrangements
- Right to access diplomatic and consular protection
- Term Austrians Abroad
- Acquisition of the Austrian citizenship
- General conditions for naturalisation
- Granting of citizenship on the basis of a legal entitlement
- Proof of citizenship
Directory of States
- Eligibility to stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament
- General information on elections to the European Parliament
- Local elections and mayoral elections
- Preferential voting during elections to the European Parliament
- Requesting a correction to the electoral roll – Other EU citizens with primary residence in Austria
- Viewing the electoral roll – Other EU citizens with primary residence in Austria
- Voting eligibility – Other EU citizens with primary residence in Austria
- Voting eligibility for elections to the European Parliament
Living in the EU
- EEA citizens or Swiss nationals: Arrival, residence and settlement in the EU
- Gainful employment in the EU
- Right to access diplomatic and consular protection
Ombuds offices and advocacy services
- Ban on face coverings
- EU citizens* and Swiss nationals - Stay in Austria
- Indefinite leave to remain under Paragraph 56 of the NAG – Application
- 'Red-White-Red Card plus' – Application
- Relatives of EU citizens, other EEA citizens and Swiss nationals, who are themselves EU citizens, other EEA citizens or Swiss nationals – Stay in Austria
- Relatives of EU citizens, other EEA citizens and Swiss nationals, who are third country nationals – Stay in Austria
- Third-country nationals – Stay in Austria
Titles and awards
Visa for Austria
Online Services
Letzte Aktualisierung: 17. April 2023
Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Bundesministerium für Finanzen